All the animals here at RBF are here for a reason. Some were not “in need” but still call the farm their forever home. Some arrived here from less than optimal situations. Some were given to us because their previous owners knew we could offer them a safe landing.
Some are here because they are just so stinking cute!
Here are the three who started it all - Avery, Logan and Tater!
Avery began riding when she was nine years old. Eventually we added Tater and Logan to our family and we all moved to Maine from California in 2021. Logan and Tater are mostly retired, participating in the occasional trail ride and pasture break out. Tater is Avery’s heart horse and Logan is the bane of my existence.
The Donks arrived at RBF in May 2021. A local family had rescued JoJo and Lune from a neglectful situation and were looking for a new start for them. So we brought them here! JoJo was much less feral than Lune, but both had trust issues and it took months and months to gain their trust. Now we can trim their hooves without sedation and they come running for loves. And peppermints. They love peppermints!
Then came Bear! I saw his photo at a local sale barn and he looked so sad. So we bought him. And told Jayme about it later. Bear was walk/trot only when he arrived here but I’m happy to say after great vet care, amazing farrier work, and a good diet, Bear is thriving and galloping through the pastures He is ridden if and when it fits into his busy schedule. (He is not busy and his only schedule is feeding time)
Atticus arrived next in April of 2022! He is the only perfect gentleman at RBF who always behaves. Except for that time he escaped with Logan and they frolicked in the snow for a half an hour while I chased them.
We knew Atticus in California and when we found out he had retired and needed a forever home, we offered it to him. When he got off the transport, Logan and Tater went wild - they remembered him and welcomed him with open arms.
At some point we got chickens. Then more chickens. Chicken math is a real thing.
Now we have 30 chickens…
Chickens are great - they free range and offer fantastic tick control. They keep Logan company when Atticus has had enough. And the eggs!! These happy ladies give us dozens of eggs every week. The eggs are sold and the proceeds go to RBF!
This is Fixxer! He’s an Arabian who has done some amazing endurance races in his prime. We also knew Fixxer in California but he had made his way to Maine before we did! In July of 2022, his previous owner asked if we would take him, and we said yes. He loves the trails and it has been said riding him is like riding a fish. (Actual description)
Then came the ducks in May 2023. They used to be cute and they liked me. Now all they do is quack at me. I’m hoping it’s just their way of sending a salutation!
We got ducks to help out a friend who is allergic to chicken eggs but not duck eggs. These eggs will also be sold to help support the farm.
In July 2023, the baby goats arrived! Tank, Squirt, and Cody Maverick were born at a friends’ farm in New Hampshire and now bring smiles to our faces every day. Seriously. Goat therapy is real. We have leash-trained all three so we can take them on walks on the trails for enrichment and our own amusement…
The Boy Who Lived! Potter came to live with us in October 2023. His owner wanted him to live out his life at a sanctuary and she connected with us - and we are so happy she did! Potter (aka Mr. Moooooo) lives with the goats and believes he is, actually, a goat. The horses still don’t know what he is, and the donks are suspicious, but Potter has a forever home here with us.
Oh, Mavis and Julian! These elderly cows arrived at RBF in February, 2024. The owner surrendered them to a local animal control officer and they were severely undernourished. They were to be at RBF just to quarantine and then move on to other pastures, however when we realized Julian was mostly blind, we decided against moving them again. They have been steadily gaining weight and are showing their adorable and lively personalities a little more every day!